ISO 42001 is an international standard by ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) for the organizations wishing to continually improve Artifical Intelligence management system within the context of the organization.
As per ISO 42001:2023 Standard, This International Standard specifies the requirements for establishing, implementing, maintaining and continually improving an Artifical Intelligence management system within the context of the organization. It is designed for for entities providing or utilizing AI-based products or services, ensuring responsible development and use of AI sysetms.
ISO/IEC 42001 is the world’s first AI management system standard, providing valuable guidance for this rapidly changing field of technology. It addresses the unique challenges AI poses, such as ethical considerations, transparency, and continuous learning. For organizations, it sets out a structured way to manage risks and opportunities associated with AI, balancing innovation with governance.
It help organizations responsibly perform their role with respect to AI systems (e.g. to use, develop, monitor or provide products or services that utilize Al). AI potentially raises specific considerations such as:
- The use of AI for automatic decision-making, sometimes in a non-transparent and non-explainable way, can require specific management beyond the management of classical IT systems.
- The use of data analysis, insight and machine learning, rather than human-coded logic to design systems, both increases the application opportunities for AI systems and changes the way that such systems are developed, justified and deployed.
- AI systems that perform continuous learning change their behaviour during use. They require special consideration to ensure their responsible use continues with changing behaviour
The benefits of ISO 42001 Certification are:
- Endorse Organization commitment on resonsible use of AI by effective AI management system
- Increased customer confidence, the community, employees and the Authorities
- International Recognition of Certification improve organisation image and reputation
- Advantage over business competitors